Cosmetic Surgery
You can travel for a number of cosmetic procedures, including breast reduction or augmentation, face lift, liposuction, rhinoplasty (nose job), and tummy tuck. You can also travel for procedures like chemical peels, dermabrasion, and injectable fillers like Botox.
Bariatric Surgery
You can travel for bariatric surgery, sometimes referred to as weight loss surgery. Options available abroad include adjustable gastric banding, gastric bypass surgery and vertical sleeve gastrectomy. Keep in mind that adjustable gastric banding patients will require the services of a bariatric surgeon in their home state to administer fills; the band works by being injected with saline so it restricts the amount of food the patient can eat, but it often takes several adjustments to get the right amount of restriction. It would not be feasible for most patients to travel out of the country for each fill.
Orthopedic Surgery
You can travel for orthopedic surgery, including hip replacement, knee replacement, total disc replacement in the spine, spinal fusion surgery, rotator cuff repair, and ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) repair. You may need to arrange for physical therapy back home unless you plan to remain abroad for an extended period of time.
Dental Procedures
You can receive comprehensive dental care, including dental surgery, abroad. Available procedures include fillings, root canals, dental implants, dentures, bridges and tooth whitening. While a single dental filling is not usually that expensive in the U.S., patients needing multiple procedures may find them more affordable in another country.
Cancer Treatment
You can receive comprehensive cancer treatment abroad, as well. Available procedures include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, bone marrow transplant, and surgical procedures. Pain management, nutritional therapy, and spiritual care are usually provided, too. Alternative treatments for cancer, not yet available in the U.S., are sometimes available in other countries.
Other Types of Care
You can travel for many other types of care, including cardiac surgery, hysterectomy, endometrial ablation, hernia repair, vasectomy, gall bladder removal, tonsillectomy, eye surgery, and organ transplants. You can travel for fertility treatment. You can also travel for diagnostic procedures, such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET) scan, and cardiac catheterization.